
St Mary Magdalene Church

We are very lucky as a school to have our beautiful village church just a stones throw away. The doors to the church are always open to us and we hold weekly worship there as a whole school. We celebrate significant events in the church too including Easter, Christmas and Harvest and each year the leavers are allowed to climb to the top of the church tower.

A message from our outgoing Vicar, Reverend Michael Windridge:

 It is a great joy to be able to share some of my pastoral responsibilities in the Parish of Bolney with the pupils and staff of Bolney’s Church of England Primary School.

 The school’s motto ‘Be the best you can guided by God’ is quite inspirational. It is that awareness of God’s guidance for each child which infuses every aspect of the school’s life and activities, both in the classroom and outside.

 Apart from leading Collective Worship on several occasions each term, it is an enormous privilege to be able to take part in the variety of services which the school is always keen to hold in St Mary Magdalene Church.  The staff and children put an enormous amount of time and effort in producing imaginative services for Eastertime,  Harvest Festival and the Christmas Carol service.  I have the easy task of providing the final thanks and Blessing. 

 But the most poignant service of all is the Leavers’ Service held for all the children leaving school at the end of the summer term.  Last year, I managed to re-instate the wonderful tradition of these children scaling the steep and challenging steps to the very the top of the church tower and, once on top, surveying the magnificent views of the English countryside. 

 From the top of the tower, these school leavers also enjoy shouting triumphantly to the rest of the school all gathered on the cricket field below.  It is a wonderful reminder to realise how precious but fleeting are the days of their time as primary schoolchildren.